Thursday 15 January 2015

LESSON 16 - 20

(Lesson 16-20) 
1. YEAR 2004
1. (a) In "The Nature of Science" Ralph Ross says "Science is empirical, rational, general and cumulative; and it is all four at once". Discuss. (15)
(b) How is cumulative process applicable to science and not to art? (10)
2. YEAR 2005
1. (a) "In a way a heavy viewer's life is as imbalanced by his television 'habit' as a drug addict's or an alcholic's. Comment with reference to "T.V. Addiction" by Marie Winn. (15)
(b) What methods could parents or individuals use to prevent or lesson T.V. addiction? (10)
3. YEAR 2006
1. (a) "In My Day" by Russel Baker, what was Mrs. Baker's Philosophy of life? How did it change in her old age? (15)
(b) Why does the author feel "forever out of touch" with his mother? Does he feel equally out of touch with his children? (10)
4. YEAR 2007
2. (a) Comment on the Marie Winn's statement "In a way heavy viewer's life is as imbalanced by his television habit as a drug addict's or an alcoholic's." (15)
(b) What method could parents or individuals use to prevent or lesson T.V. addiction. (10)
5. YEAR 2008
No Question This Year
6. YEAR 2009
2. (a) What was Mrs. Baker's philosophy of life? How did it change in her old age? (15)
(b) Why does the author feel "forever out of touch" with his mother? Does he feel equally out of touch with his children? (10)
7. YEAR 2010
3. (a) Do you agree with Marie Winn that excess T.V. watching is a problem of the same magnitude as an addiction? (15)
(b) What methods could parents adopt to prevent or lessen T.V. addiction? 
8. YEAR 2011
1. (a) Discuss the story August 2026 - THERE WILL COME SOFT RAINS as an allegory of future. (15)
(b) What is the significance of the poem in the story? (10)
4. (a) How does the writer compare T.V. ADDICTION with drug addiction? (15) 
(b) What measures can parents adopt to check excess T.V. watching among children? 
9. YEAR 2012
No Question This Year
10. YEAR 2013
No Question This Year
11. YEAR 2014
5. (a) Do you agree with MARY WINN that access T.V. VIEWING is problem of the same magnitude as an addiction? (15) 
(b) What methods could parents or an individual use to prevent or lessen T.V. addiction? (10) 

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