Wednesday, 14 January 2015

PAST PAPERS - REPORTS (2004 - 2014)

1. YEAR 2004
Write a report on the working of "Free Hospital for Children" from a social worker to the Secretary Social Welfare Department. 
2. YEAR 2005
Write a survey report on the working of "Relief Camps for TSUNAMI Victims" with your suggestions and conclusion.
3. YEAR 2006
Write a survey report on "wasteful expenditure on Weddings" with conclusion and suggestions.
4. YEAR 2007
Write a survey report on "Inflation and its effects" with your suggestions and conclusions.
5. YEAR 2008
As a newspaper reporter make a survey report on "Usage of mobile phone among students" with conclusion and suggestions.
6. YEAR 2009
Write a survey report on "Wasteful Expenditure on Weddings" with conclusion and suggestions.
7. YEAR 2010
As a news reporter make a survey report on use of mobile phone among students with suggestions.
8. YEAR 2011
Write a report on internet addiction.
9. YEAR 2012
Write a report on the difficulties, being faced by the students, in learning English in the classes.
10. YEAR 2013
Write a report on the drug menace in your area.
11. YEAR 2014 

Write a report on wasteful expenditure on weddings in our society. 

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