Friday, 31 May 2013


(YEAR 2005)
Attempt any TWO questions from Section-A. 
1. (a) What are the specific traits due to which man cannot claim to approach even the meanest of the Higher animals? Discuss with reference to "The Damned Human Race" by Mark Twain. (15)
(b) Quote some examples when man has really stood by his fellowmen in catastrophic conditions and deserved the title: "The Crown of the Creation". (10)
2. "A cold may be common but has uncommon symptoms, amazing in its diversity". Elaborate with reference to "On a Common Cold" by Osbert Sitwell. (15)
(b) Point out some World Event, as quoted (referred to) by the writer when cold had played noble and prominent part in history. (10)
3. (a) After his conversion to Islam, the author travelled and worked throughout the Muslim World. Describe the author's experience when he was travelling along the road of life to its end. (End of the Road by Muhammad Asad) (15)
(b) Reproduce, with your comments and observations, the writer's description of the Holy Kaaba and his reactions in its presence. (10)
4. (a) "In a way a heavy viewer's life is as imbalanced by his television 'habit' as a drug addict's or an alcholic's. Comment with reference to "T.V. Addiction" by Marie Winn. (15)
(b) What methods could parents or individuals use to prevent or lesson T.V. addiction? (10)
5. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions at the end. (6+9 =15) 
     For a real success, mere faith in one's self in not enough. No doubt it is the most essential principle to be followed if one wishes to achieve success in life. One also must have a firm determination to act on what one thinks and decides to do. Faith in oneself must be supplemented by action. Faith and dreams do not bring anything for us. All successful and great men had faith as well as other qualities of action and making right decisions. The quality of action in itself depends upon many other qualities. Physical fitness is the most important quality needed for action. Moreover a healthy mind needs a healthy body. A sick man cannot maintain his confidence in himself. He loses interest in every good thing of life. Similarly taking wrong decisions brings so many problems for us. If we have decided to take up a wrong profession, which is not suitable for us, then no amount of faith in oneself and hard work can bring success in our life. Youth is the best time to realize the importance of above rules.
(i) What is the first important principle for achieving success in life? (2)
(ii) What is the importance of action in life? (2)
(iii) Why is health important for our success? (2)
(iv) Make a precis of the passage and suggest a suitable title to it.  (9)
6. Write a survey report on the working of "Relief Camps for TSUNAMI Victims" with your suggestions and conclusion. (10)
7. Write an essay of 200 words on ONE of the given topics: (15)
(i) Security Measures at Picnic Spots
(ii) New Development in Indo-Pak Realtions
(iii) The Worst Disaster in History
(iv) EID-UL-AZHA: The Festival of Sacrifice
Translate into English. (10)  

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