Sunday, 2 June 2013


(YEAR 2006)
Attempt any TWO questions from Section-A. 
1. (a) How does the theme of the tale relate to the subject of language and culture? Discuss with reference to "The Last Lesson" by Alphonse Daudet. (15)
(b) Does this patriotic tale of a French schoolboy make us conscious about the value of our own native language? (10)
2. (a) "A cold may be common but has uncommon symptoms, amazing in its diversity". Elaborate with reference to "On a Common Cold" by Osbert Sitwell. (15)
(b) Point out some World Events, as quoted (referred to) by the writer when cold had played noble and prominent part in history. (10)
3. (a) Recapitulate Lewis's series of reasons for believing that there is a "Law of Nature" that there is a "real right or wrong". (Right and Wrong by C.S. Lewis) (15)
(b) Is is right or wrong not to practice ourselves the kind of behaviour we expect from other people? (10)
4. (a) In "My Day" by Russel Baker, what was Mrs. Baker's Philosophy of life? How did it change in her old age? (15)
(b) Why does the author feel "forever out of touch" with his mother? Does he feel equally out of touch with his children? (10)
5. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions at the end. (6+9 =15) 
     The use of chemical toxins, however, has taken less widespread. Their large-scale use was first made during the world war I, but in modern history the Iraqi Army has earned notoriety in using piousness gases against the Kurd guerrillas and Iranian Army. The Russians have also used toxic agents against Afghan Mujaheddin and Chechen freedom fighters. But the limited tactical usages remove them from the domain of environmental warfare to the area of chemical and biochemical warfare. On the other hand, the use of toxins in Indo-China by U.S.A. is textbook example of environmental warfare. The Americans used herbicides to defoliate large areas of enemy controlled forests and vegetation the effects of which are present till today. 
(i) Give at least two examples of war tactics. (2)
(ii) Why are these war tactics not a useful weapon? (2) 
(iii) What is the difference between the chemical warfare and environmental warfare? (2)
(iv) Make a precis of the passage and give a suitable title to it. (9)
6. Write a survey report on "wasteful expenditure on Weddings" with conclusion and suggestions. (10)
7. Write an essay of 200 words on ONE of the given topics: (15)
(i) Blessings of Ramadan
(ii) Indo-Pak - A Fresh Wave of Relationship
(iii) Kite Flying
(iv) Social Evils
8. Translate into English. (10)

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