Wednesday, 5 June 2013


(YEAR 2008)
Attempt any TWO questions from Section-A. 
1. (a) "The Open Window" by H.H. Munro is a story full of suspense and irony that keeps the reader's interest alive till the final sentence. Comment. (15)
(b) Write brief notes on the following characters:
(i) Mrs. Sappleton     (ii) Framton Nuttel  (10)
2. (a) Recapitulate Lewis's series of reasons for believing that there is a Law of Nature that there is "real right or wrong". (Right and Wrong by C.S. Lewis) (15)
(b) Is is right or wrong not to prastise ourselves the kind of behaviour we expect from other people? (10)
3. (a) "How the Poor Die" by George is a pathetical and critical description of the public ward of the French hospital. Discuss. (15)
(b) How does the French hospital where Orwell stayed, compare with the hospitals in England. (10)
4. (a) "The End of Road" is a story of European's acceptance of Islam and is based on the author's unique experience upon the road he has travelled. Discuss. (15)
(b) How can the Muslims "retain their own inner freedom, and pass on to the western man the last secret of life's sweetness"?
5. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions at the end. (6+9 =15) 
     Once we have found the habit of looking within, listening to ourselves and responding to our own impulses and feelings, we shall not let ourselves be so easily the victims of uncontrollable emotions and effects; the inner life, instead of being either a gaping void or a ghoulish nightmare, will be open to cultivation and in both personal conduct and in art will bring us into more fruitful and loving relations which other men, whose hidden depths will flow through the symbols of arts into our own. At this point we can nourish life again more intensely from the outside too, opening our minds to every touch and sight and sound, instead of anesthetizing ourselves continually to much that goes on around us, because it has become so meaningless, so unrelated to our inner needs. With such self-discipline, we shall in time, control the tempo and rhythm of our day; control the quantity of stimuli that impinge on us; control our attention so that the things we do shall reflect our purposes and values, as human beings  not the extraneous purposes and values of the machine. 
(i) How can we control our emotions? (2)

(ii) How can we cultivate loving relations with other men? (2)

(iii) What is meant by the phrase "the extraneous purposes and values of the machine"?  (2)

(iv) Make a precis of the passage and suggest a suitable title to it.   (9)
6. As a newspaper reporter make a survey report on "Usage of mobile phone among students" with conclusion and suggestions. (10)
7. Write an essay of 200 words on ONE of the given topics: (15)
(i) Terrorism
(ii) Unemployment and Pakistani Youth
(iii) Human Rights Abuses
(iv) Role of Electronic Media
8. Translate into English. (10)

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