Monday, 10 June 2013


(YEAR 2009)
Attempt any TWO questions from Section-A. 
1. (a) "The Open Window by H.H. Munro is a story full of suspense and irony that keeps the reader's interest alive till the final sentence. Comment. (15)
(b) Write brief notes on the following characters:  (10)
(i) Mrs. Sappleton     (ii) Framton Nuttel
2. (a) Leacock describes a health maniac as an obsessed person. How do people become obsessed? Are obsessions always bad? (15)
(b) Leacock uses exaggeration in the title of his essay. Where does he use exaggeration and why? (10) 
3. (a) "How the Poor Die?" by George Orwell is a pathetical and critical description of the public ward of the French hospital. Discuss. (15)
(b) How does the French hospital where Orwell stayed, compare with the hospitals of England? (10) 
4. (a) What was Mrs. Baker's philosophy of life? How did it change in her old age? (15)
(b) Why does the author feel "forever out of touch" with his mother? Does he feel equally out of touch with his children? (10)
5. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions at the end in your own words. (6+9 =15) 
     The tyrannical regimes of several dictators like Stalin, Mussolini and Hitler form a very important part of our world history. Why don't we learn from this? Why don't we stop the continuing debate between the supremacy of despotism over democracy or vice versa? Democracy has attracted support since the time of ancient Greece because it represents an ideal of justice as well as a form of government. The ideal and the practice of democracy are inseparably linked because rulers subjected to voter approval are more likely to treat the voters justly. Many of us may say that the ideal of justice and equality is easier said than done. I admit that our own country reflects this but we still have the right to choose in election. All we need is the ability to face up to our rights and demand our rights fearlessly. In my opinion we lack this fearlessness. In short, we lack true patriotism. 
     Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) also encouraged the concept of democracy and all of the four Caliphs following him based system of their government and administration on this form of government. But what about a country in which ruling party is a despot? What if it turns out to be a fascist then what choices are the citizens of the country left with? If the natural rights of life, liberty and property are not guaranteed, the people have the right to overthrow the government. 
(i) What was the Greek ideal of democracy? (2) 
(ii) Why do we have ineffective democracy in Pakistan? (2) 
(iii) What was the practice of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the four Caliphs in this connection? (2) 
(iv) Make a precis of the passage and give a suitable title to it. (9)
6. Write a survey report on "Wasteful Expenditure on Weddings" with conclusion and suggestions. (10)
7. Write an essay of 200 words on ONE of the given topics: (15)
(i) Internet Addiction
(ii) Islamic Society
(iii) Energy - An Important Factor in Pakistan
(iv) Indo-Pak Relations
8. Translate into English. (10)
(For foreign students only)
Write a dialogue between two students on "Terrorism". 

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