Wednesday, 22 January 2014

B.Sc. English (PU) - Past Paper (2010)

(YEAR 2010)
Attempt any TWO questions from Section-A. 
1. (a) "The Open Window" by H.H. Munro is a story full of suspense and irony that keeps the reader's interest alive till the final sentence. Comment. (15)
(b) Write brief notes on the following characters: (10) 
(i) Mrs. Sappleton     (ii) Framton Nuttel  
2. (a) What force provides the central conflict of the story "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" and what is the conflict? (15) 
(b) Give a brief character sketch of Walter Mitty. (10)
3. (a) How does C.S. Lewis distinguish between RIGHT & WRONG? (15)
(b) Is it right to cheat in the examination? If not why? (10)
4. (a) Do you agree with Marie Winn that excess T.V. watching is a problem of the same magnitude as an addiction? (15)
(b) What methods could parents adopt to prevent or lessen T.V. addiction? 


5. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions at the end. (6+9 =15) 
     Teaching, more even than most other professions, has been transformed during the last hundred years from a small, highly skilled profession concerned with a minority of the population, to a large and important branch of the public service. The profession has a great and honourable tradition, extending from the dawn of history until recent times, but any teacher in the modern world who allows himself to be inspired by the ideals of his predecessors is likely to be made sharply aware that it is not his function to teach what he thinks, but to instill such beliefs and prejudices as are thought useful by his employers. In former days a teacher was expected to be a man of exceptional knowledge or wisdom, to whose words men would do well attend. In antiquity teachers were not an organized profession and no control was exercised over what they taught. It is true that they were often punished afterwards for their subversive doctrines. Socrates was put to death and Plato is said to have been thrown into prison but such incidents did not interfere with the spread of the doctrines. 
(i) What change has occurred in the profession of teaching during the last hundred years? (2) 
(ii) What were the teachers supposed to be in olden days? (2) 
(iii) What is the function of a teacher now-a-days? (2) 
(iv) Make a precis of the passage and give it a suitable title. (9)
6. As a news reporter make a survey report on use of mobile phone among students with suggestions. (10) 
7. Write an essay of 200 words on ONE of the given topics: (15)
(i) Beggar Nuisance
(ii) Tolerance
(iii) College Canteen Discussions
(iv) Declining Educational Standard and Remedies
8. Translate into English. (10)
B.Sc. English (PU) Past Papers

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