Sunday, 4 January 2015


PAPER NO. 11 (YEAR 2014)
Attempt any TWO questions from Section-A. Section-B is COMPULSORY. 
1. (a) Why has Mark Twain rejected DARWIN'S THEORY OF EVOLUTION and what are his conclusions in this regard? (15) 
(b) This essay was written in the early 1900. Is it true today? (10) 
2. (a) Describe the visit of FRAMTON NUTTEL to MRS. SAPPLETON'S house. (15) 
(b) How did Vera handle the situation after FRAMTON left the house? (10) 
3. (a) Describe WALTER MITTY'S imaginary trial in the Court. (15) 
(b) What is the underlying idea or theme of the story THE SECRET OF WALTER MITTY? (10) 
4. (a) Do you agree with MARY WINN that access T.V. VIEWING is problem of the same magnitude as an addiction? (15) 
(b) What methods could parents or an individual use to prevent or lessen T.V. addiction? (10) 
5. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions in your own words. (6 + 9 = 15) 
     In its wider sense composition means the expression of our writing, so composition is necessarily of two kinds, oral and written. Both these forms of composition are equally important and very closely connected. We have to be careful in the choice and use of our words in speaking and in writing. If we learn to speak clearly and exactly, we shall be able to write exactly and clearly. But writing requires of greater clearness and exactness than speaking does. In speaking what we have to say can be made effective by the tone of our voice, the expression on our face and by the movement of our hands, but in writing we have to depend entirely on the sense conveyed by the words we use. Sir Francis Bacon has rightly said that writing makes an exact man. Writing tends to make a man exact because he cannot write well about a subject unless he knows the subject well. To write well you have to be clear in your own mind as to what you are going to say. 
(i) Why should we be careful in the choice and use of words? (2) 
(ii) What did Bacon mean when he said that writing makes an exact man? (2) 
(iii) How can we make our power of writing good? (2) 
(iv) Suggest a suitable title and make a precis of the passage given above. (9) 
6. Write a report on wasteful expenditure on weddings in our society. (10) 
7. Write an essay on ONE of the following topics: (15) 
(i) Science and Religion
(ii) Place of Women in Our Society
(iii) Dreams of My Life
(iv) The Value of Discipline
8. Translate the following passage into English. (10) 

(For Foreign Students Only) 
Write a dialogue between two friends on the celebration of Valentine Day.

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