Friday, 2 January 2015


PAPER NO. 10 (YEAR 2013)
Attempt any TWO questions from Section-A. Section-B is COMPULSORY.
1. (a) THE LAST LESSON is a story of NATIONAL PRIDE. Explain. (15)
(b) Write a note on MR. HAMEL, the schoolmaster. Can we call him an ideal teacher? (10) 
2. (a) What, according to BERTRAND RUSSELL, is the definition of EDUCATION? Explain its three aims. (15) 
(b) What are the positive aspects of SCIENTIFIC SPIRIT? (10) 
3. (a) What is the difference between EMOTIONAL MEANINGS and OBJECTIVE MEANINGS? How do EMOTIONAL MEANINGS affect our behaviour. (15) 
(b) What is the Writer's advice about the use of Words? (10) 
4. (a) Describe the views of RACHEL L. CARSON about the beginnings of the earth, the moon and the oceans. (15)
(b) What were the effects of the Birth of the Moon on Life and its origin? (10) 
5. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions at the end. (6+9 =15) 

   Science offers the possibility of far greater well-being for the human race than has ever been known before. It offers this on certain conditions: abolition of war, even distribution of ultimate power, and limitation of the growth of population. All these are much nearer to being possible than they ever were before. In Western industrial countries as they become modernized, unless dictators and missionaries interfere. The even distribution of ultimate power, economic, as well as political, has been nearly achieved in Britain, and other democratic countries are rapidly moving towards it. The prevention of war? It may seem a paradox that to say that we are nearer to achieving this than ever before, but I am persuaded that it true. 
(i) On what conditions can science be used for the better well-being of human beings? (2)
(ii) What does the writer say about population growth in the Western industrial countries and its application to other countries? (2) 
(iii) What does the writer say about economic and political power in relation to Britain and other democratic countries? (2) 
(iv) Make a precis of the passage and suggest a suitable title for it. (9) 
6. Write a report on the drug menace in your area. (10) 
7. Write an essay of 200 words on ONE of the given topics: (15)
(i) Energy Crisis in Pakistan
(ii) Science and Human Comforts
(iii) Poverty and its Eradication
(iv) Global Warming
8. Translate the following passage into English. (10)
(For Foreign Students Only) 
Write a dialogue between Traffic Warden A and Traffic Warden B on growing violation of traffic rules by the Youth. 

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