Thursday, 1 January 2015


PAPER NO. 9 (YEAR 2012)
Attempt any TWO questions from Section-A. Section-B is COMPULSORY.
1. (a) Man is usually called 'the highest animal' on the basis of his intelligence. What are the specific traits the make him 'the lowest animal' for MARK TWAIN? (15)
(b) How does TWAIN try to shock the readers? What might be his purpose in using this technique? (10)
2. (a) What defect is inherent in a purely classical education? (15)
(b) What do you understand by THE MORAL END of education? (10) 
3. (a) Explain some of the ways in which ideas have come to creative thinkers and what the source of these ideas is assumed to be? (15) 
(b) What according to WHYTE does the creative imagination do that the conscious mind does not do? (10) 
4. (a) Show how ORWELL makes use of personal experience to comment on the human condition at large? (15) 
(b) How does the French Hospital, where ORWELL stayed, compare with the hospitals in England? (10) 
5. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions at the end. (6+9 =15) 

     To rock the cradle is symbolic of bringing up the child. All great rulers - all persons, who have moulded the destiny of nations, have been children once in their lives, having been brought up at that stage by their mothers. And the training, they received at the formative period of life, must have exercised a far-reaching influence on their character. Thus, it is true that the mother makes the future ruler. 
     A close study of the lives of great rulers, conquerors and statesmen goes to show that many of them owe a great deal of their powers and resources to the tender care of their mothers. The lives of all great men were largely shaped by their mothers. Countless examples can be given in this respect. 
     On the contrary, whenever a career is spoiled, the cause invariably is the want of a good mother. The reason why many of our boys and girls do not grow into perfect human beings is that they miss the ministering influence of a noble-minded mother at the period when they need it. In fact, mothers are truly the makers of nations. In this context, it is justly said. "The hand that rocks the cradle rules over the world." 
(i) Is it true that it is the mother who makes the future of rulers? Explain. (2)
(ii) What does a close study of the biographies of great rulers, conquerors and statesmen bring to light? (2)
(iii) Explain the reason why many of our boys and girls do not grow into perfect human beings. (2) 
(iv) Make a precis of the passage and give it a suitable title. (9) 
6. Write a report on the difficulties, being faced by the students, in learning English in the classes. (10) 
7. Write an essay of 200 words on ONE of the given topics: (15)
(i) Superstitions 
(ii) Is True Democracy Possible in Backward Countries
(iii) Kashmir Issue
(iv) Sweet are the Uses of Adversity
8. Translate into English. (10)
(For foreign students only)
Write a dialogue between two students on BRAIN DRAIN from Pakistan. 

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